Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Master's Bedroom Is Worth Spening A Night In - Thee Oh Sees [2008]

He vuelto despues de miles de millones de años de no subir nada. Ustedes disculpen, pero he estado tan pero tan ocupado que bloggear termina siendo casi imposible.

Regreso con Thee Oh Sees de San Francisco California. El proyecto mas reciente de John Dwyer mejor conocido por ser parte de la banda Pink & Brown. La banda empezo como un 'side project' de Dwyer por si solo pero lentamente fue evolucionando a una banda completa.

El sonido? pues... no es mas que puro rocanrol ahogándose en REVERB y delay pero mas mas mas RRRRRRREEEEEEVVVVEEEEERRRBBBBBB


Solo bajenlo... esta muy bueno y si tienen la oportunidad de verlos en vivo, haganlo.. a mi me dejaron voquiabierto:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Beyond Reinforced Jewel Case - BARR [2005]

No puedo escuchar este disco e ignorar lo indulgente que es consigo mismo.
Imagina que estas en un cuarto con un piano, un bajo, una computadora y tus pensamientos. Nada es escrito. De hecho, las letras y los instrumentos fluyen en párrafos. Hablas de tu vida, amigos , familia, conversaciones por teléfono. A veces cantas pero lo de mas es básicamente solo tu recitando.

BARR es el proyecto que define la mente de Brendan Fowler. Fowler tiene una habilidad de expresar su mente de una manera muy única y poética. Lo importante es claro las lyricas.
Fowler de plano se va al extremo con lo que uno puede incluir en una cancion pero aun asi mantiene las canciones cortas y simples.

Un álbum para la minoría la verdad. Muy difícil de digerir pero aun así recomiendo que entren en la cabeza de un ser humano que no tiene miedo a expresarse.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Printz - Bumblebeez 81 [2004]

Bumblebeez81 no son perfectos. No tratan de cambiar la cara de la música. Pero aun asi hay algo en este disco que me grita: "ESCUCHAME".

No muchas 'white girls' son buenas rapeando pero hay excepciones como con Pia Colonna de bumblebeez.

Y bueno el disco esta repleto de beats minimalistas y desonantes. Un disco muy divertido y ruidoso y nuevo y positivo.

'Vila Attack' rapidamente se convierte en una de mis canciones favoritas para escuchar mientras condusco...

Ando con pocas palabras hoy. SXSW me roba todo mi tiempo y mi energia.




Friday, February 13, 2009

April - Sun Kil Moon [2008]

Mark Kozelek de la banda Red House Painters en su proyecto solista como Sun Kil Moon.

April, es un disco muy sencillo la verdad. 11 tracks de sinceridad pura que contrastan toda una variedad de sentimientos. Siendo el tercer disco, creo que April realmente es la definicion de lo que Sun Kil Moon realmente puede impartir. Largo pero con una buena razon. Intimo pero con suficiente cortecia para vagar lo suficiente que permite al que escuche se pierda en las canciones,
Kozelek define el termino de "artista" y April es solo otro disco sorprendente que muchos ignoraron en el 2008. April es toda una experencia que te atrapa y se gana el camino a tu corazon de una manera tranquila y silenciosa.

La pasion con la cual Mark Kozelek se expresa es realmente hermosa.

Sun Kil Moon

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heavy Rocks - Boris [2002]

Ya tenia mucho de no escribir en mi idioma original. Creo que regresaré a escribir en español ya que siento que asi me expreso mejor.

Boris es probablemente la banda mas pesada, oscura y misteriosa que he escuchado. Y aunque siempre habrá gente quien no este deacuerdo, tengo que decirlo otra vez.

Boris es probablemente la banda mas pesada, oscura y misteriosa que he escuchado.

Heavy Rocks es su cuarto disco y a diferencia de los discos pasados los cuales tenian un sonido dirigido mas hacia los sonidos del Drone y el Doom. Este disco se separa completamente de todo eso y enfatiza mas en los sonidos del clasico rock & roll y el stoner rock.

Un disco clásico de Rock & Roll con una esencia mas moderna muy ala 'Boris' que cualquier fanatico de este estilo deberia de agradarle.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sun and Sinking Well - Josh Gibbs [2009]

Joshua Gibbs is a part of Sydney Australia's Bird's Robe Collective.

Josh Gibbs is an unsigned solo artist from Sydney Australia. His music incorporates elements of cut-and-paste minimalism; dreamy, guitar-based pop; year-long halls of reverb; and a humble, often playful sense of melody. His first EP, “Hardened Sparks”, was released in May 2008.

After playing several shows around Sydney with differing lineups in support of the release, Josh returned to his home-studio to begin demos on what would eventually become his second and most recent release, “Sun and Sinking Well”. SASW was recorded between April and December 2008, entirely on low-budget equipment, and mainly late at night, where his microphone was least likely to pick up the sounds of the family around his house as he desperately tried to record his fifteenth vaguely flawed vocal track.

Both Josh’s releases are currently for sale via his Myspace page."

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

NOMO - NOMO [2004]

When I first heard this CD, I could not believe this band was from, Michigan. A brilliant line-up of first-rate musicians worthy of packing the dance halls of Nigeria and the rest of the African Continent. Put this CD on and everyone in the house is shakin' it! Every track fabulous! Incredible horn section! Masterful solos that would bring a smile to Fela Kuti, Pharoah Sanders or Archie Shepp. A rockin' rhythm section and outstanding percussion. I couldn't wait for the next CD and when it came out I was not disappointed! When you put on NOMO, turn it up and get on down!

If you like this album also get Nu Tones imo.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030 [2000]

Shit son, what happens when you get one of the best MC's in history (Del tha Funkee Homosapien), the most musical turntablist on the planet (Kid Koala), and throw in the most underrated producer in the music industry (Dan the Automator). You end up with one of the most experimental, and "ahead of it's time" albums in hip-hop.
What you will find is an extremely lyrically gifted artist, laying down metaphors verse after verse. It may take you a while to absorb it all, but hey... it has substance. The music in the background may take a while to absorb as well. If you "feel" music, then this is something that you will like. Tthe concept album is based on a story set on the year 3030.

The album follows Deltron Zero's fight against an oppressive government and powerful corporations, while also battling to be the Galactic Rhyme Federation Champion.

Del's lyrics veer from serious social commentary to humor to epic sci-fi battles, while producer Dan the Automator creates an eerie and dense atmosphere.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Over Air - Gregor Samsa [2009]


If you didn't get Rest last year, then you clearly are unaware of the most beautiful album of 08. Gregor Samsa released a new album called Over Air.

"In collaboration with Dutch radio station, VPRO and the Kora Records, we’ll be releasing a new recording titled Over Air. The album will include a mastered version of our session at Desmet Studios for VPRO, along with many extras, including HD quality videos and a recording or two that hasn’t been officially released. This will be a fairly limited pressing, distributed on tour and through Kora Records."

1.- Ain Leuh / VPRO
2.- Jeroen Van Aken / VPRO
3.- Three / VPRO
4.- Adolescent / VPRO
5.- Abutting, Dismantling / VPRO
6.- Young And Old / VPRO
7.- Du Meine Leise / Altmix
8.- XXX / GS + Tiempo
9.- Lean / GS + B Donne

The real Gem here is "Three" imo.... seriously just download this... and listen to it preferably with headphones. This is a truly astounding release and i totally didn't see it coming...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Saint Dymphna - Gang Gang Dance [2008]


First off, just click download now. There's no need to actually read any of the following sentences.
This album is on musicblogs everywhere but i still felt the need to share this in case you are yet unaware of this fantastic album.

GGD basically outdid themselves with this 3rd album. It sounds like nothing i've ever heard ever.

Gang Gang Dance

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Haunting We Will Go-Go - The Ghastly Ones [1998]

The Ghastly Ones are a Horor-Surf Rock band from Cali and they're pretty much the shit. They have a late-night monster movie theme.

They infused their love of Halloween records, late night monster movies and Screaming Lord Sutch with inspiration from early sixties surf and hotrod acts like The Lively Ones, Avengers VI, and The Del-Aires to create the first 'spooky surf' band.

The band's first show was at Al's Bar on Halloween 1996, infamous in the punk world for several rowdy Misfits shows. During their early shows, the stage was often decorated with tombstones and cobwebs to give their performances the proper atmosphere.

The Ghastly Ones

Flannel Graduate - No Age & Zach Hill [????]

Wtf when did this came out?
I have no idea where this came from... my friend sent it to me a while ago and its pretty dope if you're into either artists